Thursday, 30 April 2009

Cuddles......The Return !!

If, like the Midlife Crisis Team, you've become somewhat attached to Cuddles, you'll all be delighted to hear that Cuddles made it home on Tuesday, thanks to Chris and Si.

She took a more leisurely route up the east coast of Spain and into France, where she decided to miss out the Himalayas ! Seeing Carcasonne in the west, and knowing that it was somewhere she had always wanted to go, she decided to stop there for the night.

Sir Bob Geldof missed out on his biggest publicity stunt since Band Aid, by not coming out of his hotel in Carasonne to have his photo taken with be fair, he did agree but it would have meant Cuddles missing her ferry. Poor Bob......he'll be kicking himself for years to come !

Anyway, I'll fill you in over the next few interview Radio Derby yesterday which you can still listen to online...Eleena Naylor show, BBC Radio Derby.
We're toying with the idea of bringing Cuddles up to Glasgow in a few weeks time to say thank you to all the helpers and supporters who made such a fantastic contribution. Cuddles asked me to let you all know that she thinks you're....."awe pure dead brilliant but".....
More pictures to follow......once Gordon works out how to empty his Blackberry ???

Sunday, 26 April 2009

The End - well sort of...there will be more on Monday

Blew all our lead, stayed out till 5.45 this morning and the alarm went off at 6.45!

Not a brain cell sparking amongst us so we slipped back on the challenges - Cuddles was very disappointed in her boys.

Gordon drove to Almeria since he was the least bevvied where we spent the next two hours trying to find a supermarket and a hotel, and being sick at the side of the road.

We met up with the other arrivals at a local Bar and started drinking again the moment we got in the door, we handed Cuddles over to Chris and Si, once we found the keys which had dropped down a seat in the lounge, who had just landed in Almeria from the UK.

After another 10 beers and shooters, several photographs, a run in with the local police and a resounding cheer, Chris, Si and Cuddles made their the wrong way up a one way street, through a red light whilst playing the theme to Kelly's Heroes.

What a fitting start to the return leg !!

We have had the most fantastic time together, and the bonus is the support and donations from all.



Update on UK return.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Message from Director of European Media Activities

Dear readers

Whilst those middle aged boys are off sunning themselves on the Continent, this very young and attractive author, wit, raconteur has been slaving away over his PC ensuring that the regular messages from the lads have been broadcast to youz.

As if this is not enough, he has just finished a mammoth day of fundraising in Glasgow and...

we've not counted yet, but I reckon we have added another £1600 to the cause.

Well done Glasgow!


Crowd pleasers?

Now we know what you are thinking and it's not how it looks! This really is hard work you know. And all those girls on the bonnet? It'sbloomin Cuddles they have fallen in love with.

Nice to see you to see you nice!

Good game! Good game!

One of our posing pictures with some locals - 100 points, only 2 of 5 to go. Next is yoga pose.

Today's challenge

We have five service stations to visit dressed as scary clowns (not much dressing up to do) striking poses such as YMCA with locals taking the shots.

Nightlife in Andorra last night was non existent.

Just stopped at customs and had to explain what the makeup, wigs and masks were all about.
Will make Benidorm in time for a spot of guzzling.


Thursday, 23 April 2009

Cuddles struggles!

Cuddles struggling up hills, 1:15 gradients, scenery stunning. Team looking forward to washing. Are on route to the abettoire to get team photo with large carcass.


Cuddles in Joint 1st Place after Day One!

Cuddles is joint 1st place after yesterday's challenges. The photo of two trout photographed in the Carrefore supermarket did it.

Our two man tent ripped last night but that may have had to do with the beans we brewed up for supper!

Quest for today includes getting a photo of team with local butcher and carcass of large animal - a pure doddle!!!!

We've managed to make our way this far south by asking the toll booth personnel how much their shower caps are! In french of course.

A bientot ma petit pois.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009


Well dear friends the Eiffel Tower - lovely. Baking hot day, started the day at the supermarket in Calais for beer and BBQ stuff for alfresco dining this evening. Still 60 miles to go and it's 730pm. We set off at 8.00am.

It's been a long day...doubt if we'll manage much more than 10 pints each tonight.

Looks like Cuddles is supping 1 litre of oil a day, and guzzling about 20 miles to the gallon. We're on our 3rd tank today, not good.

Note the mobile disco ball on the dash! Cuddles is purring along at 110 km/hr presently.

Bonnet de douche mon brave!

Leaving Calais

Thankfully left Calais, it's a toilet. Challenge today - photograph 10 different animals, get photo of team at base of Eiffel Tower, restock kitty (blew the lot last night), stop off around 2pm for a spot of sunbathing...

12:32 update photographed three animals - beaver, cock and roadkill!!! We will spare you the details.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Night One

Well here we are in France. Accommodation very cheap - 34 Euros for four! Beer expensive though. Having a look at the competition - a load of Southern Softies.

I think we may win.

Safely arrived in Dover

Well that's us safely in Dover and waiting to board the ferry. Cuddles behaved herself beautifully on the way down though she certainly likes to drink. Now it;s the short hop across the channel with our new friend. She doesn't seem weary at all and we are sure she will be with us all the way...well if she ain't were goosed :-)

It's all starting to become real now as we head off from the UK. What an adventure.

Speak to you all again soon.

Bonjoor or whatever it is they say in the morning, in Spain...Mmmm.

We'll here we go! Our first photo opportunity of the trip taken as we were about to leave Derby less than an hour ago (know it looks slightly suspect but honest guv it ain't!)

Anyway, heading for M25 (lovely), and Cuddles is purring along with "Please release me" blasting out of the front grill!

Can't help thinking that "Music" by Madonna might be more appropriate? And a lot more suspect!

Monday, 20 April 2009

Cuddles lives on!

Hi folks

Whilst we thought that dear Cuddles would end her days in Spain we have had some good news. At their own expense, two lads are heading to Spain at the weekend to drive Cuddles back home to the UK.

She will then be auctioned off and live out the rest of her days in blissful, pink and mauve, retirement!!!!


The Team

Cuddles has just been "Internet-enabled"

We are starting to fall in love with this old girl. A quick visit to the sign maker to ad the blogspot address!!!!

Today's Media Frenzy

Well here we go - just a day to go and it really is all starting to feel real - can't believe we are doing this! Been to Derby telegraph for photo shoot, then radio Derby 12.30.

Poor Cuddles is presently in the garage getting a new radiator, it spewed up 10 mins ago!

The joys of being a professional rally team :-)

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Almost ready to go....

Friday, 10 April 2009

Brilliant !! Love "Cuddles". It's great to see you blokes raising money for Breast Cancer. All the very best on your journey....we'll keep an eye on you.


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