Sunday, 26 April 2009

The End - well sort of...there will be more on Monday

Blew all our lead, stayed out till 5.45 this morning and the alarm went off at 6.45!

Not a brain cell sparking amongst us so we slipped back on the challenges - Cuddles was very disappointed in her boys.

Gordon drove to Almeria since he was the least bevvied where we spent the next two hours trying to find a supermarket and a hotel, and being sick at the side of the road.

We met up with the other arrivals at a local Bar and started drinking again the moment we got in the door, we handed Cuddles over to Chris and Si, once we found the keys which had dropped down a seat in the lounge, who had just landed in Almeria from the UK.

After another 10 beers and shooters, several photographs, a run in with the local police and a resounding cheer, Chris, Si and Cuddles made their the wrong way up a one way street, through a red light whilst playing the theme to Kelly's Heroes.

What a fitting start to the return leg !!

We have had the most fantastic time together, and the bonus is the support and donations from all.



Update on UK return.


Andrea Field said...

Congratulations Lads! Well Done all of you. Sounds like you had a ball and lots of fun. I'm now getting photos galore from Chris and Simon who are equally enjoying the experience. Cuddles is still going strong so they say and they're sure it will make it back on British soil by Tuesday. Again, well done, I will keep you posted on Cuddles progress. Andrea


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